Pediatricians (833) KIDS-DOC


Vaccines currently prevent about 3 million deaths a year worldwide. And since 1990, thanks to them, it has been possible to reduce mortality in children under 5 years by 52%.

Any preparation intended to generate immunity against a disease is considered a vaccine. They strengthen our immune system and are effective in preventing serious and life-threatening diseases.

How do they work? Vaccines teach our body to defend itself when a microorganism – virus or bacteria – invades it. To achieve this, they recreate the disease without causing infection and, in this way, they stimulate our immune system to produce antibodies that protect and immunize us against these diseases.

Vaccination saves lives


Some infectious diseases can have serious and even fatal consequences for our health. For this reason, it is important that children, adolescents and the elderly adhere to the vaccination schedule to prevent these diseases. Vaccines are one of the public health measures that have saved the most lives in history.

Vaccines help to control, eliminate and even eradicate diseases


For example smallpox has been eradicated thanks to vaccines. If the number of vaccinated people in the population decreases, diseases that are not usually registered now because they are controlled, could reappear in the form of outbreaks or epidemics.

Vaccines protects you and the community


To face a disease, it is necessary for the population to be vaccinated. Thus, the microorganism that causes it circulates much less and people who have not been vaccinated are also protected. This is known as community immunity.

Vaccines are important for certain risk groups


Getting vaccinated is essential for people who suffer from certain chronic diseases (diabetes, obesity, asthma, etc.), since it can avoid complications thereof; for pregnant women; people who in the development of their profession have contact with people more vulnerable to certain infectious diseases; or for people who are going to travel to another country.

Social and economic benefits of vaccines


Vaccines are an instrument of equity since they reduce inequality in health care, also providing benefits to the most disadvantaged. And, in addition, vaccination increases life expectancy. On the other hand, vaccines have economic benefits since their health cost is lower if we compare it with the cost of treating this disease.

Remember: if you have been given the vaccine at the pharmacy, the container should not be thrown away or down the drain. Deposit it in the SIGRE Point of the pharmacy, so you will take care of the environment and the health of all.