Vision And Hearing Screening
The medical examination of vision and hearing is not only a fundamental part of the routine medical checkup but also a great leap forward in addressing educational and social barriers in children.
During their development, there can be problems that lead to poor visual and auditory acuity that consequently can affect learning, reading, listening to classes, and even the ability to socialize with other children.
The American Academy of Ophthalmology and Pediatrics recommends that a vision and hearing screening be performed from birth and during all routine medical visits.
Cause of vision and hearing loss:
Hearing or visual loss or poor acuity is usually due to a congenital abnormality acquired during pregnancy.
There are risk factors that may be associated with this, such as a history of alcohol or drug use during pregnancy, abnormal yellowness after birth, family history of hearing, or vision loss.
A history of central nervous system infections such as meningitis or a history of taking dangerous medications during pregnancy is also a factor.
What Is Done In The Hearing And Vision Screening?
The hearing evaluation includes three main tests:
Automatic auditory response of the brainstem
- Otoacoustic emissions.
- Behavioral audiometry evaluation
The visual evaluation consists of:
- Pupillary response test
- Test to fix and follow
- Test search
- Retinoscopy
- LEA symbols
All these tests are simple and not painful. They are performed on both infants and babies. There are also specific tests for each stage of childhood.
What Happens If My Child Does Not Pass The Initial Tests?
If your child doesn’t pass the first few tests, don’t worry, it doesn’t mean he or she has a vision or hearing problem. It may also be because children get very nervous and anxious in the doctor’s office and may fail during these tests.
Why Is Vision & Hearing Screening Important For Preschoolers?
Vision problems can develop at any time but are most noticeable during preschool and school-age; this is because, during this time of discovery and knowledge, children need more of their sense organs, especially when they must see the blackboard or learn to read.
The most common vision problem is myopia. It is vital to screen when starting preschool because this ensures that the child has all the necessary skills to learn and make the most of this stage of knowledge; otherwise, their development will be below average.
Hearing loss or hearing impairment directly affects communication and social skills, as well as speech and language. The earlier these disorders are detected, the less cognitive consequences they will have.
Pediatrics of Sugar Land has a complete hearing and vision screening service; offered by audiologists, otolaryngologists, and ophthalmologists.
Assure an appointment now and help your child break down the educational and social barriers to his or her maximum school performance and full social potential.